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Runing Electricity to Your Shed

Adding Electricity to a Shed or a Detached Garage

Your shed or any other outbuilding certainly can have electricity as long as the zoning and code regulations allow it.  Regardless of the situation, due to the fact that a power supply will have to be brought to your shed, you should be hiring a certified electrician to perform this task for you.  This way you can stay assured that the project has been completed up to code and the power in your shed can be used safely.  Here are the basic steps of the process and things to consider before you start.

Determining the power needs of the shed/ garage

Think about all the outlets, lights, and other electrical needs you may have.  Are you tuning your shed into a woodworking workshop, or do you just need exterior lighting and cameras? The feed wire and the circuit breaker will ultimately depend on the loads needed.  Make sure you communicate this clearly with your electrician.
Is your shed far away from the main power source on the property and you are considering powering it with a generator located outside the shed? There are options for you to utilize a generator or possibly solar panels to add power to your outbuilding.

Inside wiring

As with any other electrical project, you will be following the code for lighting and outlet installation. In addition, if your shed will have a unique use, make sure you install the necessary outlets.  Are you adding a sink in the shed to wash your garden vegetables – you will need a GFCI if the outlet is located in the areas where a water source is present.

Bringing the power to the shed

Digging a code-compliant trench for conduit should be saved for a professional. Diggers hotline will have to be called and their technician will locate any existing underground utilities. Your electrician may add a subpanel to facilitate connecting the wiring. A PVC conduit will be placed inside the trench and it will be protected from the rocks with a surrounding layer of sand. The wire will be run inside of that conduit all the way to your shed/ outbuilding. Inside the shed, a junction box will be installed where the conduit comes through the wall.  Once all of the wires have been connected at the main panel, you will be able to use the electricity in the building.

Westphal & Co. is an expert electrician serving Wisconsin and Iowa. Our service technicians can help you install power in your shed, detached garage or other outbuilding. Contact us for more information and a detailed quote. 

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