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8 Most Common Reasons to Hire an Electrician for Exterior Updates

There are so many different projects we work on for homeowners on a daily basis, but our most common visits for exterior updates are often overlooked. Here are the biggest reasons homeowners call Westphal to take care of their exterior wiring and electrical needs.

Add Outlets
Homes are often built with a limited number of exterior outlets and aren’t usually laid out to meet the homeowners needs. We get invited out to add specific GFCI outlets for exterior use in many places on the perimeter of the home. Sometimes it’s to solve one specific need, and other times people are asking for our advice on placement which can include a discussion about basement or crawlspace access.

Smart Doorbell or Cameras
We are in the age of smart devices – homeowners added more than 5 million smart doorbells in 2021 alone. We install doorbells in many different situations including replacing an existing low voltage doorbell, replacing a battery operated doorbell, or adding a doorbell in a new location.

Update Exterior House Lights or Add New Light
Design trends change and many home exterior lights are getting updated. We help make sure the wiring is run properly and you are able to have the controls you desire for a new exterior light update. Most of the time, we can also add a new or additional switch if you’d like to add one.

Generator Connection
Following the Texas power grid challenges of 2021, we’ve seen an uptick in requests to wire generators to a homes circuit breaker box in order to provide power when electrical service is interrupted. Usually, we are installing the generator and wiring at the same time, so we’re able to make a seamless setup for the homeowner.

Outdoor Landscape Lighting
We don’t provide landscape lighting, but we will get power where it needs to go so when your landscape lighting contractor arrives, they’ll be able to get you up and running without issue. Often homeowners request that we run service to a landscaping island in a yard or an outlet for tree uplighting or downlighting or even in soffits for can lights.

Outdoor Living or Outdoor Kitchen Wiring
One of the more popular projects in home improvement has been outdoor living updates, especially outdoor kitchens. For a complete kitchen, you’ll need exterior rated outlets and plan to get power to your outdoor space. From refrigerators to outlets for small appliances and lighting, our team is experienced and ready to help.

Heat Tape/Ice Melt
In the upper Midwest, our freeze/thaw cycles have continued to challenge home gutter systems. In order to avoid major ice issues, many homeowners request exterior outlets that can carry the necessary power to supply a heat tape system. We’ll often add a new breaker and run a new line to a new outlet to minimize exposure for the system.

Holiday Lighting Connections
Some homeowners have really taken their holiday lighting to the next level in the past few years. We’ve had many calls asking for specific outlet in just the right place so they can up their exterior lighting game.

These are just a few of the many ways we work in residential exteriors. For all your electrical needs, you can count on Westphal & Co. Contact us to receive a free quote for your renovation project and any other electrical system needs you may have.

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