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Employee Spotlight: Nathan Vande Zande

Nathan Vande Zande is a Project Manager for Westphal & Company. He has been with the company for 6 years and has been a great asset to the team. Now lets take some time to learn more about Nathan.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I enjoy spending time with family and friends in addition to being an avid golfer of any type of golf, either on the links or disc golf course. I am also a Wisconsin Badgers fan.

What was your first job at Westphal & Co.?

I joined Westphal & Company as a Project Manager in May of 2017 directly after college and started working with Randy Wileman on Cupertino projects at Badger Road and then into the Edgerton facility.

What did your journey into working at Westphal & Co. look like?

I attended the University of Wisconsin Madison and earned a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Construction Management. After meeting with Westphal & Company at a career fair on campus, I decided this was the best career fit for me and joined shortly after graduation as a Project Manager.

What do you like most about your job?

I like the ever-changing challenges of Construction Management, from building hospitals to solar farms to modular electric rooms for data centers. It always keeps you on your toes and fulfills my competitive nature to always be improving and succeeding at the jobs that I’m involved with.

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