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Residential standby generator on concrete pad

Are Residential House Generators Worth the Upfront Investment?

A recent spring storm across Wisconsin knocked out power for many customers, and repairs have lasted for days. During that time, people are often left without the essential power services needed to cook food, provide hot water, or utilize crucial equipment like medical devices for health and internet for remote work.

This story isn’t as unique as you may think. Everyone from residents in Florida experiencing a hurricane to California dealing with an aftershock to even northern Maine, meaning another snowstorm has to deal with power outages. The trick is being prepared with backup power through residential house generators.

With average home generators costing anywhere from $2,500 to $25,000, you need to know whether this investment makes the most financial sense for your family.


What Are Residential House Generators?

Odds are you know a neighbor or local business using some form of backup power already. Residential house generators are designed to offer reliable power whenever the local grid goes down. They tend to be in both portable and standby units and run on fuel ranging from gasoline to solar panels.

People utilize generators to keep essential parts of the home running during a power outage. Typical appliances like refrigerators, coffee makers, or elements like Wi-Fi routers and heat sources operate to keep your family safe.

You can purchase a home generator that kicks on automatically whenever power shuts off or one that you have to start using a push button system or pull chain similar to a lawnmower.


Benefits of Residential House Generators

When weighing the cost benefits of home generators, consider how many days you go without power in your local area. Someone living in Phoenix, AZ, who experiences frequent brownouts due to extremely high temperatures will have different needs than another family in Michigan during an ice storm.

Consider the many benefits you’ll receive from continuous power like:

  • Preventing food spoilage by powering refrigerators and freezers.
  • Ensuring security systems remain on to avoid theft and to get real-time notifications.
  • Provide a comfortable home with heat and essential appliances.
  • Adding value to your property as a home generator is desirable in areas prone to outages.

When you have a generator readily available, you get a greater sense of peace and protection. Don’t be surprised if your friends and family use your home as the meeting space during an emergency to ensure everyone else feels safe until the power is restored.


Financial Considerations

Purchasing a home generator does come with some upfront costs. A quality piece of equipment will have an initial expense, including the generator’s price, accessories for use (fuel, extra parts, etc.), and whether you need professional installation.

While those upfront costs may be high, the long-term savings are much more critical. Not only do you maintain a safe home free from freezing pipes and damage due to extreme weather, but you also reduce the food spoilage you’ll experience from a typical outage.

Insurance companies may offer discounts on your homeowner’s policy whenever you equip your property with a standby generator. You also have one more factor that you cannot place a price tag on – the safety and security of your family during an emergency.

When properly maintained, most backup power will run efficiently for 10-15 years. You want to set up quarterly inspections where you review the operation of your residential house generator to ensure nothing is missing, broken, or in need of service. That will provide the longest durability of your equipment, so it is always ready when you need it most.

A generator running on oil or gas will operate well during storms and cloud coverage. You can also choose from solar or wind-powered options. The recent popularity of off-grid living in cabins and vans has transformed the eco-friendly generator industry, so plenty of products are worth considering.


Final Thoughts

While there is an argument for pricing when it comes to picking up a new residential house generator, you need to look at the total cost of keeping your property, family, and friends safe during a power outage.

With the proper selection of home generators on your side, you can ensure a warm and inviting living space while others struggle to make it through emergencies. Take your time to explore all the available options in the marketplace and you are bound to find a reliable system that works best for your unique property. If nothing else, you’ll have peace of mind that the next time the power goes out, you can cook up that steak and keep your kiddos warm until everything is restored.

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