Industrial PORTFOLIO
GM Skillet Conveyor System
General Motors Corporation, Shreveport, LA
Shreveport, LA
Acco Systems
Field wiring for 20 conveyor systems and over 175 conveyor elements

Photo Credit: Central Conveyor
Installation of Skillet Conveyor and Automated Electrified Monorail systems for new Light Duty Trim Shop located in Shreveport, LA. The plant was built to meet new demand for light-duty trucks. The project included installation of skillet conveyor and AEM conveyor for final and trim lines including pit wiring, vertical lifts, stackers, de-stackers, and IMC load stations. Westphal & Co. installed field wiring for 20 separate conveyor systems and over 175 separate conveyor elements including control devices, motors, interlocks, and cabling for Ethernet, ControlNet, and Devicenet systems.